terça-feira, 4 de setembro de 2012


A book that strips out all the things that are unimportant and the only thing left is ourselves. Using a poem by Mark R Slaughter and cutting all the pieces of ornament from women’s bodies, I created new layers that combine the body of the women and the words of a poet. 


I came across a book of old mannequins. For me they represent consumerism: First their appearance chance as fast as the fashion trends. Everything about this dolls change to fit a style, their body shape, their facial features, skin colour, etc. They constantly chance to please; they are being manipulated by consumerism. 
Second, I always found intriguing that each doll as a name. However these dolls are mass produce. It relates to the fact that our individual style is mass produce. That like the dolls if we succumb to consumerism, we became mass produce. When I look at these dolls I see people, people that change their appearance because the trend says so. 

After I start working with these images of mannequins, it was a natural progression to use a thread to represent the manipulation. This thread keeps the pages of the book to fully opening, which gives a feeling of tension. My message is pass on from this tension between the pages hold by the thread and the pictures. There is no need for words; the reader feels the lack of control he or she was on the book.

The colck struck midnight

The consumer society appeals to our deepest desires which seduces us with the idea of luxury, that anyone can live the story of Cinderella.
The fairy tale that tells us that we will live “happily ever after” but like in Cinderella’ story the clock always strikes might night.

Cinderella's Syndrome

This book illustrates the attempts from the consumer society to create the illusion of a fairy tale story. 

domingo, 2 de setembro de 2012

Dicionário das Ideias Feitas

“This book is more than a mere dictionary of received ideas it is the reflex of the society we all belong to”

This book was conceived for a modern re-edition of “The Dictionary of received Ideas” (from the original Dictionnaire des Idées Reçues). It is a satirical, made up by notes of Gustave Flaubert during the 1870. It gathers, as an enciclopaedia/ dictionary, ordinary thoughts and stereotyped ideas of the freench society at the time. The conception of this work started with a reflection on the society and those deeply-rooted thoughts. Despite the fact that we may or may not agree with what is expressed, the truth is we are all part of the same society. The sentence “This book is more than a mere dictionary of pre-conceived ideas it is the reflex of the society we all belong to” help me create the re-edition and it also explains its concept.

História de cão

(A dog story) was a poem written by Mário Cesariny and the inspiration for this publication.

It was the opening party of a series of events celelbrating the work of this poet that this publishing was made, with the purpose of being used as a gift for the guests. I was asked to create from the words, a graphic language that converged the feeling and personal interpretation of the poem. The poem is about two persons who live in opposite words, who shared, a brief moment and all they have left is distant memories.